Top Ten Tuesday
2. The feel of the pages beneath my fingertips. Don't get my wrong, I love my Kindle by there's no comparison when it comes to a printed copy!
3. Finding or meeting someone who loves the same books I do! There's no better feeling than connecting & fangirling over a book with someone who feels the same way!
4. Walking into a bookstore. Honestly I could spend all day in a bookstore and be happy as a lark, the whole atmosphere soothes & relaxes me.
5. Cracking open a book for the first time. I just love the feeling of delving into a new story, ahh the excitement!
6. Goodreads. Let's face it, Goodreads is like Facebook for bookworms! Not to mention it's a great way to keep track of your reading progress!
7. Twitter. I'm pretty new to book blogging but Twitter is a fantastic place to connect with authors & other bloggers. What could be better than finding other bookish people?
8. Reading is my therapy! No matter that is going on in my life, reading has always been my comfort zone. It's a place that relaxes me and helps me process difficult situations I may be going through and decompresses me.
9. Exploring fantastical places! Engrossing myself into a story takes me to new lands, I discover different ways of life and get to meet awesome fictional characters! (If you're a bookworm you'll understand, if you're not you'll think I'm crazy!)
10. My appreciation of silence. I rediscovered my love of reading in 2008, since then I've learned to love silence, which is great because my husband is an introvert! (I'm one too but I'm an extroverted introvert.) Needless to say, introverts aren't always the most talkative. Now, we can enjoy each other's company, even in silence and I now understand every minute of the day doesn't need to be taken up with noise!
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