There was a time when I solely relied on library books and free eBook offers to get me through. That was most of my 20's. I remember once, I totaled it up to see if I could just buy all of my books I'd read that year outright and it was almost 4,000 dollars! (That would have been all hard backs if I remember correctly.) I'd dream of the day I'd have a house library full of books!
Source: Giphy
I'll get that room eventually. Currently, it's sitting empty but at least it's there. Oh goodness, this is turning into a I'm Grateful for a Book Room!! Well, I am but it's a work in progress. Once it's completed, then I'll have to fill it with books!
So let's get to my Kindle Unlimited Subscription before I got WAY off topic, like usual...I'm thankful for the monthly subscription because:
- I don't have to place a KU book on hold, I can read it WHENEVER I WANT!
- I get to read all the Indie authors I want!
- I absolutely love reading novels written by indie / self-published authors. There's just something comforting about their work. I think it's because they don't give a
shit crap about what's popular in the mainstream publishing world and they write what they want, what they are passionate about.
- I can take my Kindle books anywhere! I have a Kindle Voyage and the Kindle app on my phone. I can literally open a book wherever I am.
- I'm supporting authors. Each page read, the author gets a portion, so if you read an entire series by a newish author, it helps them be able to live their dream of being an author!
What bookish things are you grateful for? Please let me know in the comments! |
Very good reasons for KU! I love all the books they have! It's well worth it!