Source: sent by Harper Collins in exchange so an honest review
Publisher: Harper Teen
Format: ARC paperback
Pages: 336
Genre: YA Contemporary/Sci-fi Romance
Rating: 6 OMG Stars!!
Release: April 12th 2016
For as long as Alice can remember, she has dreamed of Max. Together they have traveled the world and fallen deliriously, hopelessly in love. Max is the boy of her dreams—and only her dreams. Because he doesn’t exist.
But when Alice walks into class on her first day at a new school, there he is. It turns out, though, that Real Max is nothing like Dream Max, and getting to know each other in reality isn’t as perfect as Alice always hoped.
When their dreams start to bleed dangerously into their waking hours, the pair realize that they might have to put an end to a lifetime of dreaming about each other. But when you fall in love in your dreams, can reality ever be enough?
Whimsical, romantic and utterly original, Lucy Keating’s debut novel will win readers’ hearts.
My Thoughts Oh This Romantic YA Debut
I just loved the overall feel of this book. As soon as I read the summary I felt as if this book was written especially for me! I tried thinking of things that I did not like or things that should have been added into the story and I couldn’t think of one single thing! This book is perfection! Let’s delve into why I adored this book. (Be forewarned, there’s LOTS of things I loved about this book!)
The way the author Lucy Keating pulled off the sweetness of the storyline without it feeling false or forced. The whole feeling of the novel felt just right, I couldn’t have asked for anything better! Imagine dreaming of your soul mate and thinking they are just dreams. Then imagine discovering that they are in fact real and meeting him or her one day in real life! I can’t ask for a better premise!
Of course there are bound to be problems when dealing with reality. One of those problems in Dreamology is Celeste. She is Max’s girlfriend. Now I actually really liked Celeste. I know I know, who actually likes the beautiful girlfriend who you just know isn’t meant to be with the man of your dreams? The way in which Keating wrote Celeste’s character was refreshing. I’m tired of the whole mean girl persona and am glad Keating went in a whole new direction.
Enough about the characters, you’ll have plenty of time getting to know them when you crack open the pages of this original, refreshing tale. I want to talk about the dreams that happen in this story. The descriptive telling of the dreams was astoundingly beautiful! For a writer this can’t be easy, but Keating does a phenomenal job at bringing these dreams to life and making them jump off of the page. It was a blast being pulled into these beautifully bizarre dreams! The fact that Alice and Max’s dreams started merging into reality was the icing on the cake!
Summing up this review I must say that I found my happy ending!! Oh and I must mention, this of one of those books I'm sure I'll read over and over again which is extremely rare for me!
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