Ever Lost
Author: Melissa MacVicar
Release date: 2014
Publisher: Red Adept Publishing, LLC
Source: Sent to me via the author & publisher in exchange for an honest review
Genre:YA paranormal
Rating: 4 Stars!
Author: Melissa MacVicar
Release date: 2014
Publisher: Red Adept Publishing, LLC
Source: Sent to me via the author & publisher in exchange for an honest review
Genre:YA paranormal
Rating: 4 Stars!
New town, new school, new ghost.
Jade has a dedicated boyfriend, an overprotective mom, and a full scholarship. Uprooted from Nantucket, Jade is installed off-island at her dad’s new house so she can attend snobby Layton Academy. Leaving Charlie behind is sheer torment, but living with her father has plenty of dangerous distraction—in the form of a terrifying spirit haunting her new school. Hottie classmate Mateo Fernandez can’t see the ghost, but he knows its story. He’d like to know hers, too, but Jade still misses Charlie, even though distance seems to be changing him.
With support from Mateo and the mysterious Noemie, Jade commits to helping the agonized spirit cross over. As she delves into the ghost’s past, the disturbing secrets Jade learns draw her into a deadly confrontation with a desperate man. If she can’t play his demented game, the spirit’s harrowing fate could become her own.
My review of Ever Lost...
Ever Lost picks up a couple of months after Ever Near. The story transitions from Nantucket to a small town outside of Boston. I love how the story flows from summer to fall beautifully. Here's a snippet of the book about the seasons. "The air is crisp, autumn sneaking in all around us like a thief stealing summer."
Jade's mother and step-father disapprove of her & Charlie's relationship, they decide it's in Jade's best interest if she moves in with her father, to distance Jade from Charlie. Needless to say, Jade is furious with the move but goes along with it since she really doesn't have a choice.
In her new town she attends Layton Academy and meets Mateo. Right away I like Mateo, he is very light-hearted and flirtatious while at the same time being very sweet and considerate, not to mention very funny at times.
Mateo and Charlie are pretty much night & day. Not only in looks but personality as well. I liked Charlie very much in Ever Near, not as much in this one. When Jade moves away Charlie becomes very tormented and starts pulling away. While Charlie is becoming more and more distant Jade is dealing with a ghost at her new school.
Jade is frightened and wants nothing to do with being a medium in Ever Near, in Ever Lost we get to see her evolve into a more experienced, mature medium. It's nice to see her start seeing her abilities as a gift, not as a curse.
My favorite secondary character has to be Noemie. I just love how she calls Jade chou chou, which is a term of endearment in french.
The POV in this book is a bit different than the first in this series. This time around we get dual POV, between Jade & Mateo. Most of the chapters are in Jade's POV since it's her story but I liked Mateo's POV very much, it was refreshing to see his side of the story.
There were many parts of this story where I was conflicted on the whole love triangle, I'm not a big fan, but I am so glad I gave this one a chance! As you can probably tell by peeking around my blog, I LOVE HAPPY ENDINGS! Melissa MacVicar wrapped things up nicely, I won't tell you who Jade ends up with but I will say I'm happy how it was written!
I would recommend this to anyone in the mood for a fall read that includes some ghostly action and some angsty but sweet romance!
My favorite scene...
A very sweet, passionate kissing scene!
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