Farah sits down with Aurora Firedrake in Silverthorne Castle! ( Conversation between Farah and Aurora. Farah will be in blue, Aurora in pink. ) The valley ahead is covered in wild, green grass. Sprays of pinks, purples, yellows, and reds undulate down into the waiting meadows of the flower-filled valley beyond. Even though I know what Avalonia looks like, every time I visit, its beauty astounds me. I pass colorful fields, green pastures, working farms, massive estates and small villages that speckle the countryside, as I ride towards Silverthorne Castle, where I will be interviewing Aurora today. In the center of the valley a little hill rises up before me. At the very top lies a magnificent castle, its tall towers glistening in the sunlight as they stretch effortlessly towards the azure sky. Pristine white flags, each one decorated with a single bluebell flutter from the castle turrets. Around it a huge walled town slopes down the hill in concentric circles and s...