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Showing posts from August, 2015

Exciting news about the Alienated Series by Melissa Landers!!!

So about 5 or so months before I started blogging I attended a book signing for Invaded by Melissa Landers. Invaded is the second book in this series. I purchased both Alienated (book 1) and Invaded (book 2) and finished them both in about a week and a half! Melissa told us there is a third book but it was up to the publisher if it would ever get published, depending on the sales of Invaded. I'm happy to announce the third book is coming! Check out Melissa's video below!

Review: Ever Lost by Melissa MacVicar + dream cast

Ever Lost Author: Melissa MacVicar Release date: 2014 Publisher: Red Adept Publishing, LLC Source: Sent to me via the author & publisher in exchange for an honest review Genre: YA paranormal  Rating: 4 Stars! Website:  New town, new school, new ghost.  Jade has a dedicated boyfriend, an overprotective mom, and a full scholarship. Uprooted from Nantucket, Jade is installed off-island at her dad’s new house so she can attend snobby Layton Academy. Leaving Charlie behind is sheer torment, but living with her father has plenty of dangerous distraction—in the form of a terrifying spirit haunting her new school. Hottie classmate Mateo Fernandez can’t see the ghost, but he knows its story. He’d like to know hers, too, but Jade still misses Charlie, even though distance seems to be changing him.  With support from Mateo and the mysterious Noemie, Jade commits to helping the agonized spirit cross over. As she...

♥Cover Reveal ♥The Other Side of Gravity by Shelly Crane

Cover reveal for The Other Side of Gravity ...   Title: The Other Side of Gravity Author: Shelly Crane Series: The Oxygen Series, Book One Genre: Sci-Fi Cover Reveal Date: August 27th Release Date: TBA Goodreads Link: About the book... My name is Maxton and I’m a trader. I live on a soulless planet where gravity, oxygen, and everything else are sold to the highest bidder on the black market. People are sold on the black market, too. You have to work really hard not to become one of those people. Pay your taxes, keep your friends and family close, and more than anything else—don’t get caught by the Militia. But all the rules changed for me the day I found her. My name is Sophelia and I’m a stowaway. I’ve been a slave for almost as long as I can remember. Waiting for the one day, one second, for my proprietor to turn his head so I could run and never look back. Now I'm on the run. And on a p...

♥Cover Reveal ♥ Rip by Rachel Van Dkyen

New Release on OCTOBER 20th by Rachel Van Dyken!!   Rip is a complete stand alone novel that fans of the Eagle Elite series will devour! With twists and turns you won't see coming, this dark romantic suspense will keep you on your toes and leave you screaming for more.

Waiting on Wednesday - Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff

I know it's been a bit since I've posted a WOW, I've had so many books on my TBR lately, I've been immersed in them! I'm so excited for this weeks WOW! " Waiting On " Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted at Breaking the Spine , that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating. Check them out for links to more blogs! :) This week's pre-publication "can't wait to read" selection is... Illuminae by Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff Publication Date: October 20th 2015 Publisher: Knopf Books for Young Readers About the book... This morning, Kady thought breaking up with Ezra was the hardest thing she’d have to do. This afternoon, her planet was invaded. The year is 2575, and two rival megacorporations are at war over a planet that’s little more than an ice-covered speck at the edge of the universe. Too bad nobody thought to warn the people living on it. With enemy fire r...

Review: War of Rain by H.W. Vivian

War of Rain Author: H.W. Vivian Release date: January 9th 2015 Publisher: Lulu Publishing Services Source: Sent to me by the author in exchange for an honest review Genre: YA high-fantasy Rating: 3.5 stars Website:  Twitter:  Fifteen year-old Miri lives in a desert village called Boreala, which competes with the city of Stratos for Rain – the equivalent of Holy Water. During a confrontation while gathering Rain, Miri accidentally kills a citizen of Stratos, and unintentionally starts a heinous war. Now it is up to her to find the God of Rain, Kalono, and ask Him for an invention that can bring both peace and war before Boreala is destroyed.  " In going on with these Experiments, how many pretty systems do we build, which we soon find ourselves obliged to destroy !" - Benjamin Franklin  My review of  this book... I was so excited to read War ...

Book Blitz: The Lemorian Crest by Hannah L. Clark

The Lemorian Crest (Cobbogoth #2)

The Last of the Firedrakes Blog Tour- Character Interview & a HUGE giveaway!!

Farah sits down with Aurora Firedrake in Silverthorne Castle! ( Conversation between Farah and Aurora. Farah will be in blue, Aurora in pink. ) The valley ahead is covered in wild, green grass. Sprays of pinks, purples, yellows, and reds undulate down into the waiting meadows of the flower-filled valley beyond. Even though I know what Avalonia looks like, every time I visit, its beauty astounds me. I pass colorful fields, green pastures, working farms, massive estates and small villages that speckle the countryside, as I ride towards Silverthorne Castle, where I will be interviewing Aurora today. In the center of the valley a little hill rises up before me. At the very top lies a magnificent castle, its tall towers glistening in the sunlight as they stretch effortlessly towards the azure sky. Pristine white flags, each one decorated with a single bluebell flutter from the castle turrets.  Around it a huge walled town slopes down the hill in concentric circles and s...