Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish . Top Ten Tuesday I have read 25 books so far this year, here are my top ten so far for 2015! Due to the fact that I just started my blog I only have reviews on one of these titles posted. I am hoping to post more reviews on these titles soon. :) I went ahead and made them into a collage, they are in no particular order. Listed in the order I read them... 1. Intuitive by Kat Fugate - I read Intuitive back in January, in fact it was one of my first reads of 2015. I absolutely LOVED this book, it's independently published and I highly recommend you get this! As a matter of fact it's free on Kindle! 2. Alienated by Melissa Landers - The author Melissa had a launch party for the second book in the series Invaded that I attended back in February. This was my very first book signing, she is super nice! I loved Alienated, completely original ...